Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation 

Your energetic field is composed of 7 energy centres, known as chakras. How energy flows through each centre is directly related to the way you experience life. When your energy has a healthy flow you experience ease in all areas. Kundalini originates from the Sanskrit word - meaning: 'she who is coiled' the cosmic energy in every individual that rises up from the base of the spine at the root chakra all the way up through the crown chakra; expanding consciousness. During an activation you will receive an energy transmission to awaken this flow of energy. Sessions are done over Zoom, you will receive a link with more information after booking your appointment.

During the session:

You will be asked to lie down with the camera showing your side body. Keep your spine as straight as possible but please use pillows if needed. Palms should be facing up to be in an active state of receiving. Please be sure that you will be undisturbed from family, kids and pets etc. during the session and have a good pair of headphones or a stereo system. Close your eyes in order to access the pineal gland as you enter into a dream wake state of consciousness. If at any time the session becomes too intense you can always open your eyes and sit up.

Expressions of the energy are different for everyone and can include, rapid eye movement, shaking, dancing, vocal expressions like humming etc. There is also the possibility that you will be very still, whatever path the energy takes will be perfect, trust in your unique journey.

Integration Tips: 

Be gentle with yourself after the session as the energy integrates. Grounding after the session can be helpful by taking a bath/shower or walking in nature. You might feel energized, emotional or tired after the session so please take care and listen to what your body needs. Journalling is helpful to process emotions and remember any downloads that you received during the treatment. I also recommend journaling about dreams you have following the activation. 

Preparing for your activation: 

  • fast from eating 3 hours prior to your session (hydration okay) If you’re a breastfeeding mama or really need something eat light, like fruit 

  • no alcohol or plant medicine 24-48 hours prior

  • no caffeine 4 hours prior

  • be sure you set up ample time after the session to integrate and nourish your body and heart

  • if you ingest alcohol after the session it will diminish the effects, so it’s important to do your best to integrate the energy in an intentional way

You also don’t need to do anything prior. If the above stresses you out, arrive as you are. That is perfect too. 

 Your next session: 

There is no over doing it or maximum amount. This journey is in your hands. If you want to do a session once a week or more go for it. If you feel once a month is for you, do that. Allow your intuition and energy system guide you.